Qualcomm has unveiled a new feature that will enable users to easily connect and share information across their devices. The announcement of the Snapdragon Seamless Experience was made at the Snapdragon Summit 2023 held in Maui on Tuesday. The Snapdragon Seamless is a cross-platform, cross-device solution for Android, Windows and Snapdragon devices.
This new feature seeks to bring Apple’s Continuity feature which allows users to interchangeably switch between their Apple devices to Android devices and Windows. Additionally, Qualcomm is integrating the Snapdragon Seamless Experience into the latest Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 mobile platform and Snapdragon X Elite PC platform.
The feature will use Bluetooth and Wi-Fi technology amid robust hardware solutions and a software framework to seamlessly discover compatible devices and connect them to work as one system. This will allow you to carry out tasks across multiple devices including tablets, smartphones, earbuds, and laptops. Using the feature, users can switch audio sources between devices on earbuds, share files, camera experiences, and even the laptop mouse pointer and keyboard across devices. In addition, the Snapdragon Seamless feature has an instant plug-and-play solution allowing users to easily add new devices.
While speaking at the keynote during the Summit, Alex Katouzian, Senior VP at Qualcomm said, “This will provide tighter integration across devices from different OEMs [Original Equipment Manufacturers], ecosystems and operating systems.”
Qualcomm says they are working with various tech leaders including Google, Microsoft, and hardware vendors such as Xiaomi, Oppo, and Lenovo who are set to offer Snapdragon Seamless support in their devices.
Notably, there are other solutions that allow users to connect their Android devices to Windows computers including Google’s Nearby Share. However, Nearby Share doesn’t support devices powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon ARM-based SoCs. Fortunately, the Snapdragon Seamless Experience will help bridge these gaps.