WhatsApp has announced it will be introducing a new voice chat feature for large groups. The messaging platform says this will allow users in large groups to connect over spoken chat. The new feature will bring Discord-like live voice chats to groups allowing users who can join to talk live. Those who can’t join the live chat can still engage with other users through text. It is currently available to groups with more than 32 members.
The new voice chat feature will send a silent push notification to users, unlike a group call that rings all participants in the group. Members can easily join through the in-chat bubble icon and leave the chat as they wish. Group members who haven’t joined the chat can still see the call’s participants from the Calls tab and the chat header.
Any member can initiate a voice chat with the chat terminating if no one joins within 60 minutes. In addition, it is currently not available for linked devices. To get started with the feature, download the latest WhatsApp version on both Android and iOS.
Given that Meta earned $293 million in Q3 2023 representing a 53% year-on-year growth – largely driven by WhatsApp Business, having ads on WhatsApp seems very probable. However, the if and when ads will be introduced in WhatsApp remains unclear. Meta recently refuted claims that it will be introducing ads on WhatsApp in September only for Will Cathcart, WhatsApp Head, to later tease the possibility of introducing ads in Status and Channels. What is certain for now is that ads won’t be shown in your main inbox.