Ning CEO Jason Rosenthal has announced that starting today you can sign up for one of three new subscription plans: Ning Mini, Ning Plus, or Ning Pro. He said that they have created these plans to give Ning users unprecedented flexibility and control at price points designed to fit a wide range of budgets.
The new features new features in the plans are:
- Ad-free by default
- New Manage Dashboard which provides access to valuable statistics about your members and content
- Ability to generate revenue by running your own ads
- Even greater flexibility and control over the appearance, structure, and branding of your Ning Network with Ning Plus and Ning Pro
How to Purchase plans:
Users are advised to look at the three choices and decide which plan makes the most sense for them and their members. To purchase one of the plans, simply sign in to your Ning Network and follow the instructions displayed at the top of each page (or visit your current Manage page). Alternatively, you can sign in to and click the “Select a Plan” link next to each of your Ning Networks.You’ll have until August 20th to purchase a plan..
Special Offers & Partnerships
There is an early purchase offer for Ning Networks that are currently using the free Ning service. They will be able to take advantage of the early purchase offer where they can buy an annual subscription to any of the three plans by August 3rd and get one month free!
There is also an education and health offer targeting the education space and powers countless health-related communities. Here they are offering two new partnerships. Pearson Publishing will cover the cost of Ning Mini for education-related Network Creators in North America. On 20th July they announced that WEGO Health will be sponsoring one year of Ning Plus for health-related Ning Networks.