#ConnectedKE 43 out of every 1000 Kenyans lost at birth due to not embracing technology
#ConnectedKe Kenyatta Hospital working on masterplan to become a world class institution via ICTS adoption.
Remember you dont need to refresh this page for the liveblog to be updated, its automatic. #ConnectedKe
#ConnectedKe How do you balance work and play where you allow BYOD(bring your own device) to ensure productivity, security?
#ConnectedKe It used to take so long to register deaths, mainly in the remote arid and semi-arid areas(ASAL)
#ConnectedKe Sekenani is one of these areas now benefiting from infrastructure donations at a centre that allows them to achieve so much
#ConnectedKe Sekenani, Kisii, Kibera are some of the places benefitting from that Orange-Cisco arrangement to wire remote towns.
@mugokibati is with us today #ConnectedKe
#ConnectedKe In SA Vodacom is considering removing Mpesa, due to lack of support from the relevant institutions, in Kenya there is so much support.
#ConnectedKe 2million students in Pakistan are accessing open learning
#ConnectedKe Brick and Mortar nolonger the in thing, time has come for Click n mortar since there is infrastructure for that, says Sylvia Mulinge #Safaricom
#ConnectedKe Funds to purchase drugs can be monitored off an app on a simple phone like ideos and wastage is tracked
#ConnectedKe Telehealth, launched last year November has been getting so much positive response from the average mobile user on need of healthcare service
#ConnectedKe 2 billion shillings being moved a day on Mpesa from the 15 million subscribers
#ConnectedKe RBA Jua Kali pension scheme(Mbao Pension Scheme) where u users from Jua Kali sector can save 20 bob a day has seen positive feedback.
#ConnectedKe Vincent Mugambi Developer Manager, Microsoft now speaking
#ConnectedKe JKUAT students hacked into Kinect and developed software that can be used in training via gestures on the Kinect device, Microsoft supported them in their development. We just had a demo of the technology that Kinect can allow to even tell that there is gonna be an eclipse in the US in year 2014, we will be asleep then.
#ConnectedKE Kriegler commission findings 27th Aug 2010 the new constitution was promulgated, just a reminder
#ConnectedKE You will be allowed to vote if you present a valid ID card or Passport in the area you registered to vote from when using the electronic voting.
#ConnectedKe The fiber cable has been cut in Mazeras
#ConnectedKe Minister Phogisio congratulates the media for opening Kenya and showcasing it well to the world, lest be proud of ours.
#ConnectedKE The Presidential Speeches airlifting question has popped out