Gangnam style has hit the internet in a huge way, and has managed to stay on for quite some time, making the Gangnam Style video by Psy on Youtube win a guiness record for the most liked youtube video, ahead of youtube sensation Justin Bieber. Gangnam style has got the views and hype mainly for the stupid, dont care attitude professed in the video by Psy. We wont dwell on that, we know how the story goes, right? Now Google’s Eric Schmidt went to South Korea immediately after launching the Google Nexus 7 in Japan. He is said to have gone specifically to meet Samsung’s J. K. Shin, what it was about would be anyone’s wild guess.
So if we could rely on this video, we could say he went there to learn the Gangnam style dance.
Personally it is my hope that the talks are meant to discuss the second Galaxy Nexus device which is an upgrade of the very awesome Samsung Galaxy Nexus.
OOPS! Looks like the video was removed by user, I dont know the circumstances.