Startimes Media, one of Kenya’s PayTV service providers has an offer where the price of the DVB T2 Set Top Boxes will be priced at 14% off. Pricing is now Kshs. 2,999 down from Kshs. 3,499. Startimes aims to increase their market-share while at the same time ensuring they provide subscribers with premium content at a low cost.
Kenya is making the Analogue to Digital switch-over with Nairobi and environs being first to go. This will happen within December by 13th. StarTimes DVB T2 decoders are among the Set Top boxes approved by CCK for purchase by Kenyan consumers and Startimes Media offers 1 year warranty on the devices across the country.
Acknowledging this development by the company, StarTimes Media CEO Mr. Leo Lee observed that the key differentiator for StarTimes in the market is its flexibility to suit consumer needs as the company makes headway to achieve its goal of ensuring the majority of Kenyan households have access to digital television.
The company also has a Dual-Feature Free to air decoder that is available at Kshs 4,999 and with this users have an option to watch free-to-air content or make payments to get premium channels. With this decoder, users are at liberty to pay for premium content and also watch free-to-air content when they are not able to to pay.
“Access to digital television is no longer a luxury, as more and more Kenyans embrace the technology, we are positioning our brand as not only the most affordable but also one with an enviable range of channels at a very competitive cost.” said Mr. Lee.
Startimes Media also has subsidized external antennas for better reception. New prices are Kshs 800 for one with a 10 meter cable, previously priced at Kshs 1,400 and 900 for the 15 meter one which was previously priced at Kshs. 1,600.