If you are a Windows Phone user, and need to send PDF files as email attachment, you must know by now that there is no way to do it out of the box. However, with a 3rd party app, it is possible.
1. Search for “PDF Reader” in the store
2. You will get two different apps by that name. Select the one with the purple icon, the one made by PompolutZ and install it.
3. To attach PDF to an email, open Office Hub, make sure that the file is stored under the Documents folder on your phone, select the “Phone” option under “Places” in the Office Hub and you will be presented with a list of available Office and PDF files on your device.
4. Press and hold the file that you want to attach. The “Share” option should pop up.
5. Select the email address you want to send it with and the file is promptly attached. You can proceed to full the email fields et al.
NB: This is how to send Office documents as attachment too – only from inside the Office Hub.
You are able to attach images from the email app directly.
You are not able to attach multiple items in one email.
I still insist that Microsoft needs to fix this. This is not how sane people send email attachments on any other platform, mobile or desktop, anywhere in the world. For example, if you receive an email requiring that you attach an Office or PDF file in your response, you are stuck. There is no way to do that with this cumbersome procedure.
Enjoy your Windows Phone.
This article was originally published on Mobility Blog by Yomi Adegboye
Yomi is the Founder, Mobility.ng. Owned over 100 mobiles. Content Creator. Speaker. Music & Comic book Lover. Ladies’ Man. Follow him on Twitter @Mister_Mobility, on LinkedIn atYomiAdegboye, and circle him on Google+.