The big boys have already announced their flagship phones for 2014. Samsung, HTC, Sony and Huawei have already launched their devices, Galaxy S5, HTC One M8, Sony Xperia Z2 and Huawei Ascend P7 respectively. Now it’s LG’s turn to bring to the stage what they have been working on for the last one year. LG G3 has been quite leaked both in specs and images showing much of what to expect come May 27th.
The teaser here shows quite a lot in terms of design, physical build, components and camera features. There is the hint of brushed design which could be metal or brushed plastic, the rear buttons that came with the LG G2 of last year, something which could pass for a second camera or sensor in the back next to the rear camera and the smartphone design language in quite well pronounced visuals.
In the video you can also see a moving lens signalling that the device will have Optical Image Stabilization with moving lenses and the 2K display that has been rumoured. We’ve heard of specs like 32 GB RAM, 5.5 inch, 3 GB RAM, Snapdragon 801 processor, 13 MP camera, 3200 mAh battery and Android 4.4 Kitkat all wrapped around many curves in metal.
There’s a whole 2 weeks before we can see what “Simple is the new smart” means as LG wants us to conceive.