The six annual Global Entrepreneurship Summit was held in Kenya between 25th and 26th of this month at the UN headquarters at Gigiri. It was graced by several entrepreneurs from all over the world and hosted by President Obama & President Kenyatta. It was the talk of the town this past weekend and the whole world was focused on the events that were happening in that summit.
Thanks to the summit, a lot of inspiring quotes were generated and this Instagram account by the name of @4updigital repackaged these quotes on photos of the person who said them. Check some of the uploads below:
On their page, you can see quotes from President Obama, President Kenyatta, notable businessmen who were guests, local entrepreneurs, personalities and other government officials.
Instagram is a visually engrossing platform and this is a great example of such use. The intricate use of quality photos of people alongside their quotes further backs the popular adage “A picture is worth a worth a 1000 words”.