Facebook announced an interesting product that really shows its power thanks to the data we give it: Facebook Sports Stadium. It is one of those products that are geared to make people more active on the platform and you can clearly see it will.
Facebook noticed it has 650 million sports fans on its platform and decided to create a place that is devoted to sports so that you won’t miss on the action. The platform is quite comprehensive in that it will allow you to see:
- Live scores and stats
- Commentary from experts and an easy way to access their respective pages
- Posts of your friends of them commenting about a certain sports
- Information like where to find a certain game on TV
It is quite easy to get into Facebook Sports Stadium since you only need to search for a game and it will display the content like this
There are 4 clear tabs on Facebook Sports: Matchup, Friends, Experts and Stats. On Matchup, You can be able to see the Live banner that indicates the game is playing at the moment and below that what it looks like cards with information about the game play. Clicking on Friends will show you updates of friends who are watching a game and you can add a comment of your own. The experts tab will have the comments from pundits about the game and of course the Stats tab will have all the statistics that are attributed to the game.
Unfortunately, this new feature is only available on iPhone in the United States and limited to American football games and the company promises to expand it to other platforms later on. This is something really cool and it will be a serious competition to Twitter’s campaign of using hashflags so as to engage people who are watching a certain game. Twitter needs to come up with a proper platform like this one Facebook has announced so as to be more competitive in the future.