This will be the first day of the annual Ruby Conference organized by the Nairobi based ruby developers community, Nairuby. Like I said earlier, this year’s theme is ‘Nurturing Entrepreneurship through Open Source Culture’ where their objectives include but are not limited to; championing open source culture, equipping entrepreneurs with relevant skills and experience, providing a collaborating and networking platform for developers, entrepreneurs, academia and designers and importantly, increasing contribution and participation of African developers in the world of open source contribution.
Well that is what you can expect at these year’s conference. There a number of amazing and experienced speakers at this conference, showcasing some amazing projects, both open source hardware and software that will be interesting to see.
There will be everything from a credit card-sized 18 core computer, Parallela that runs Linux demonstration and a social entreprise startup Taka Smart presentation that offers redeemable reward points in exchange for recyclable waste.
Other than presentations, there will be interesting roundtables with experts in the field leading discussions on a various topics. Today’s roundtable will consist of some amazing entrepreneurs.
We have, Manoj Changarampatt, who after 25 years of corporate experience including Samsung and Nokia and has now delved into entrepreneurship with ventures like SavannaByte whilst advising entrepreneurs and startups across Nairobi, Bernard Banta, a computer scientist and entrepreneur and founder of Banta Technologies who is passionate about how we can leverage technology to transform Africa and Michael Kimathi who has over 7 years of experience working in innovative ecosystems and building solutions and was previously the Community Development Manager at C4DLab where he worked closely with the team to develop an innovation strategy.
We will be here for the conference and keep you updated on the talks, discussion and presentations that take place, but of course some of this things are better experience in person. You can attend the conference for free at the Jernigan Chapel at African Nazarene University today and tomorrow. You can find the full program and speakers to present here.