In an effort to compete with Snapchat Stories effectively, Facebook went on a rampage by introducing a version of Stories on its various assets. It started with Instagram Stories way back in August 2016 then ported it over to Messenger as Messenger Day, WhatsApp as WhatsApp Status Update and finally as Facebook Stories on the main app.
This ultimately meant that a person has 4 different ways to share about their day on the Facebook system. However since Facebook is a closed ecosystem, they can make sure that all these stories can be shared across its system from one platform to another.
They started that by allowing people to share their Instagram Stories to their Facebook Stories, which can be great to prevent that extra step to do the exact same thing on Facebook. Well now they are doing it again and it involves Messenger.
According to a report by TechCrunch, Facebook is killing off Messenger Day and in its place, they will merge its Stories feature with Facebook Stories. The ephemeral content that you will be posting will now be called “Stories” and will appear on both apps.
“We needed to make it easier for people to share Stories across different apps,” Connor Hayes, Facebook Product Manager was quoted as saying. “Some people actually thought these experiences were already connected. We feel like it would make sense.”
The cameras that will be in both platforms will be distinct as before and have distinct tastes like the caption and stylized texts in Messenger and the AR effects on Facebook.
Interestingly, Facebook is also getting rid of the Facebook Direct feature which was accessed by tapping on a paper plane icon on Facebook. In its place, all of your Stories replies and Facebook Camera messages will be routed to Messenger.