Do you want to become a great writer? A good vocabulary is essential for you to become one. To improve your power as a writer, build your vocabulary. When you have a good vocabulary, you may get higher grades for the work you turn in for class. You may also deliver your essays and assignments on time because you will have fewer revisions during the editing stages. There is an assu to building a good vocabulary by using the following five strategies.
Cultivate a reading culture
Reading is the most effective way to get new vocabulary. Read a lot and from various sources like magazines, newspapers, blogs, novels, and comics to equip you with new words. Other than memorizing lists of words when reading, try and see the context of the word because it makes it more effective.
There is a good chance you can guess the meaning of a word just by understanding the overall text with context information surrounding it. Context information is the natural way of learning language and reading provides the best opportunity to get exposed to this natural way of learning.
In case you cannot infer the meaning of the new word you come across when reading, try reading simple materials because the material you are reading might be having too many unknown words in the text. Making reading a pleasurable activity is key. Reading can open your mind to the overabundance of new words. You will have more words available to use when writing if you put more words into your brain.
Befriend the dictionary
When reading various materials, you will come across words you have never seen and do not know. It is only by checking up a word in the dictionary that you learn its exact meaning, alternative explanations, spelling, and finding additional information about it.
A dictionary is the first resource for improving your vocabulary because it also contains a thesaurus valuable for learning by finding a connection between words such as synonyms and antonyms.
Think through purchasing a good dictionary and glossary on your bookshelf.
some of the best hard copy dictionaries are the;
- Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary
- New Oxford American Dictionary
- Oxford American Writers Thesaurus
There are many free options with great features for online dictionaries like the OneLook, Merriam Webster’s Online Dictionary, Ninjawords, Thinkmap Visual Thesaurus, and
Play word games
Playing word games like Quiddler, Scrabble Word Finder, and Boogie is particularly effective for language-related learning. Engaging in group activities is vital in any form of learning. Therefore, gather your friends and family and play word games together.
If you are not a group person, there are many word games options on the internet like Merriam Webster’s Daily Crossword, Word with friends, Merriam Webster’s Games, and Quizzes. You can either incorporate them into your daily routine or play them when you get bored.
Keep a word journal
Cultivate the culture of keeping a personalized list of words you learn to have a convenient reference to review in the future. Keeping the words in your list is more efficient than going back to the dictionary each time you want to refresh your memory.
Writing words down once in a while will enhance your ability to commit them to your permanent memory if you never refer to your lexicon again. To help you reach some word quota you define, add details as you see fit such as the date you first came across the word or a sequential number. You may decide to note your lexicon in a regular paper notebook, a flashcard, or as a simple text file on the computer.
Learn a new word a day
WordSmart Word cast that provides comprehensive details, difficult level, and audio pronunciation can help you learn a new word each day. Dictionary Word of the Day Merriam-Webster’s Online Word of the day provides the history, pronunciation, and audio explanation of a word.
Make sure you take note of the word you learn every day on your lexicon. In conclusion, I hope this article has helped you know how to nurture this skill. With time, you will realize how much you have grown as a writer and a communicator.