Twitter Super Follows feature has officially started rolling out. This is one among many premium features the company has introduced in recent months in a bid to monetize the platform and increase revenue.
Super Follows features is a premium subscription feature where your followers pay a monthly fee to access exclusive content for their favourite creators on Twitter.
Subscription charges range from $2.99, $4.99 to $9.99 and accounts eligible for Super Follows feature can now mark some tweets for subscribers only.
Subscribers will have a special Super Follower badge to separate them from the “free” followers.
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There’s a waitlist for those applying to get the Super Follows feature which you get right in the Monetization section of the Twitter app’s sidebar.
Requirements include that you should have more than 10,000 followers, be US-based and have posted at least 25 tweets within the last month.
Twitter is slowly rolling out this feature to iOS users in Canada and the U.S for some accounts and the social media company say that global rollout will start in the next few weeks.
It’s worth noting that Super Follows for creators has been activated on iOS only but Twitter adds that support for desktop and Android will be coming soon.
In terms of earnings, Google and Apple will take their usual 30% and Twitter will take 3% for up to the first $50,000 generated through Super Follows. When the $50,000 mark is passed, Twitter will take 20%.
Twitter Super Follows feature joins other monetization features such as Tip Jar and paid Ticketed Spaces.
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