Are you a smartwatch owner? Would you like to own one in the near future? This article is meant for you. Watches used to be accessories that you could do without but with the introduction of smartwatches. All of that changed gradually.
A smartwatch is an electric accessory that helps its owner to receive notifications, make and receive calls, and access different productivity apps. Smartwatches were essentially meant to improve fitness and health as they came already equipped with a sophisticated fitness tracker to track your step count.
Here is a list of apps that you should consider having on your smartwatch. (Especially those who own an apple smart watch)
The overcast app is available to most apple devices and is useful for playing podcasts. If installed on your smartwatch, you will be able to play podcasts, create playlists, increase volume levels, set a period for the podcast to stop, and coordinate the music or podcast playing on your other device.
Google Map
All watches come with a tracking ability that enables them to keep track of your movements. When you install Google Maps on your smartwatch, you will be able to find and locate places easily without having to take out your phone to use the Google maps smartphone app. The app functions the same way as that of a normal app installed on the phone.
ParKing is a useful application for your smartwatch which helps you remember where you last parked your car. When the application is installed on your smartwatch, you only need to tap on the car icon to log in to the location you parked on Google maps. When locating your car, you will only need to use Google maps to view the car icon which shows you where you last parked.
Google Keep
Do you like taking notes or maybe a to-do list? You can download the Google Keep application to your smartwatch which helps you to take short notes. You will be able to view such notes on various devices later on. You only need to ensure you are logged in to your Google account for sync to take place.
If you have an apple smart watch, consider installing Things application, which does the same thing.
This weather application is essential to help you stay updated on weather forecasts and help you plan ahead for your day. With just a glance you will be able to note down the day’s temperature reading. The smartwatch AccuWeather app has less screen display information thereby enabling you to look at what you need at the moment.
Alexa Listens
The application is useful to control any of your smart devices at home. It makes use of the built-in microphone to facilitate sound reception. You will be able to improve your productivity levels with Alexa on your smartwatch.
Google Authenticator
This application enables you to authenticate easily on your smartwatch by swiping. You are also able to read the authentication number easily. You will however have to have the smartwatch connected to your smartphone for it to function well.
You can handle easy calculations with this app. It has the interface design of the Google Calculator app. The app can handle easy and complex calculations well.
The apple smart watch equivalent application is PCalc.
Mr. Time
Not a fan of the watch interface? Why not try this app which gives your smartwatch different themes to choose from? You however have to pay for some watch interface themes. If you are not a fan of paying, why not design your interface then with the app?