With the launch of Nokia N9 comes an update to QT SDK. You will now be able to develop for Nokia N9 which is a meego phone on the QT SDK. These are the updates that have been added to QT:
- Qt Creator 2.2.1: This is mainly a bug fix release. For more information, read the release blog here.
- MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan: The Qt SDK now contains experimental toolchains and other experimental components to create MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan apps. This feature is available on all supported development platforms by the Qt SDK, meaning Microsoft Windows, Linux and MacOS X.
Support for Meego Harmattan, the OS on the Nokia N9 is not complete, still on beta, so Bugs and Omissions Exempted.
Developing apps is easy with Qt SDK, especially with the added convenience of Qt Quick components to speed up UI creation. With full Nokia Store integration, the Nokia N9 smartphone is a gateway to high-end technology adopters who have an appetite for new and innovative apps and services.
However, the Nokia N9’s availability in the market is not specified as i had indicated in the previous blog for Nokia N9 launch.
Download links for QT will be found here