With the hope to catch up with Google search, Microsoft has revamped Bing shopping to optimize on product search to get what you are looking for with fewer steps. Microsoft has added filter options like category, brand, department, style, material etc.
Microsoft has added a feature that looks like instant search but this is more define, since before you click on the search button you will have narrowed to finer options to make you get what you are looking for faster. These refinements have been added to the search box. You can see the most important and most common filters directly in the search box.
They have also added the feature to find product prices, right from the search.
You can now preview product prices, right from the search results, compare prices and even see the discounted prices. There is an option on the side menu to select the price reduced option to zero in on the price reduces search results. You can see products related to the search result that you have filtered.
Another fine feature is the ability to share to facebook from within the search results. Your selected shopping list is share-able and you will be able to see the facebook comments on the right side of the page. Serious facebook integration that is!
Microsoft has also worked on an option to browse though pages, for those unsure of what they are shopping….and the window shoppers.