It was all pomp and colour at the Mercury Lounge yesterday on the launch of the Samsung Galaxy S II. The event emceed by Fareed Khimani of XFM, a Kenyan fm station looked all lively with media, bloggers and partners alike. So the launch was for the device that has had people talking globally. I have had the device for 3 days now and all I would say is am awed by the features, the responsiveness.
Samsung Galaxy II is a 1.2 Dual core processor phone with the most recent android version in the market, Android 2.3 Gingerbread. The device is 8.49mm thin and the mostly plastic casing makes it a very light device. Feels like you are talking on a card. Samsung, through Samsung Electronics East Africa Business Leader, Mr. Robert Ngeru announced that they have launched the device with an availability of 10,000 phones in the market during the introductory phase.
Samsung Galaxy S II, which is the evolution of the much successful Samsung Galaxy S has four hubs, the Music, games, readers and social hubs although the music hub indicates its not available for this region.
Other features of the phone are blue tooth 3.0 HSDPA connectivity with speeds of upto 21 mbps, you can feel this with the fast load time of websites. Also has an 8 mp camera with HD recording/playback and led flash. The best part to it is the responsiveness and the Super AMOLED Plus screen which gives clear display.
Samsung Galaxy S II is currently retailing at Kshs 62000 at FoneXpress and i should be reviewing it in a few days after some use and stress testing. You can see other pics i took with the phone at that night.