Temple run 2, published on Apple Store just a week ago and has hit records in the same short time it has been there. On Android, we were just waiting for Imangi Studios, the developers to live up to their promise of bringing it on. Well, it’s here now. Temple Run the first has over 50 million downloads on Android and 170 million total downloads on all platforms. So you expect this one will have even more scale. As we speak there are over 800 reviewers of the 950 giving it 5 star reviews, tells you where it stands in history.
Features of Temple run 2 are:
★ Beautiful new graphics
★ Gorgeous new organic environments
★ New obstacles
★ More powerups
★ More achievements
★ Special powers for each character
★ Bigger monkey!!!
Hit this link to download and play of you were eagerly awaiting it. A search on Google play wont yield anything, I dont know if it’s an error or intended, so you may want to download immediately remotely.