Samsung earlier this year unveiled the Galaxy Note 8 at Mobile World Congress to bring the stylus to 8 inch devices. The device has since been launched in India as Galaxy Note 510 and later on announced at Samsung Africa Forum. This is one device that seeks to bring productivity to the smaller screen tablets. Previously, the S-Pen was available for the Galaxy Note, Galaxy Note II and Galaxy Note 10.1 and this is the fourth generation Note device, also donning a stylus which Samsung lovingly calls S pen. The name sells though.
The Galaxy Note 8 also came with some edge over the previous Note devices, these being the first 8 inch screen device from Samsung, Full HD, WACOM technology that enables it have touch sensitives buttons that respond to the S pen, first non-Samsung apps to be optimized for the S pen and respond to the features like airview. Now before this becomes a full review which we should be getting in a few days here, the device, let’s look at the specs provided by Samsung:
- 8 inch WXGA (1280 x 800) TFT = 189ppi
- Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean
- 1.6GHz Exynos A9 quad-core processor
- 5MP rear camera, 1.3MP front
- HSDPA at 21Mbps
- 16/32GB internal storage options
- microSD upto 64GB
- Dimensions 210.8 X 135.9mm, Weight 338g -the 3G version
- 4600mAh Li-ion battery
- Wi-Fi (2.4 and 5GHz) Wi-Fi Direct, AllshareCast, Bluetooth 4.0, USB 2.0
- Accelerometer, Digital Compass, Proximity
The device does have infra-red and a Smart Remote app that makes it function as a universal remote control for your TV, I have already tested that out with my TV and it does work. It doe shave a rear and front camera with no flash, a dial application making it function like a full phone, three buttons on the front, two touch sensitive and the home button. The volume and power buttons are all on the same side, giving you the impression that Samsung expects it to rest on one side, but the microUSB slot is on the bottom side, flanked bey two speakers making this device have three speakers for stereo sound and two microphones for noise cancelling. At the right corner we have the stylus while the sound jack port is alone at the top. The left side has the mini-SIM slot at the lower end and at the top end there is a microSD slot. This can fit in some 64GB when maxed out.
The rear has the only bulge that is the camera, 5MP and the usual Samsung branding as accompaniment. That’s all for today, let’s have something to discuss when the review comes out, don’t you think so?