The Galaxy Note 4 is sold out in Kenya. Samsung Galaxy Note 4 was launched in Kenya on Thursday last week and only started selling on Friday same week. The device was already available on pre-order in Kenya, so first priority on the device was to the pre-order customers. And this was impressive going by what we have heard.
We have reliable information that the Galaxy Note is already sold out in the Samsung channels as demand was quite high. The device which started selling at Kshs 75,000 as had impressive reviews from the big tech blogs, including some writers that are known to be harsh critics of Samsung regarding the aesthetics on the smartphones.
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 is not an everybody smartphone and is positioned as a business phone which based on the product development is meant to replace some old technology like notebooks and at some point become the centre between the smartphone and tablet. No official word has come from Samsung though resellers have it that new stock should be in the shelves quite promptly.
Galaxy Note users are loyal and you would expect that Galaxy Note and Galaxy Note 3 could be upgrading to the new Galaxy Note 4 as the phablet becomes ever more useful in business.