Unlike Sony which quietly announced its flagship smartphone, the Xperia Z4, LG is not keeping quiet about its upcoming flagship, the G4. The company has announced everything from the camera module on the device, the new UX 4.0 to the display itself months before the intended launch date which we can now confirm to be the 31st of May. The device will however be made official on the 28th of April before going on sale a month later.
The LG G4 is expected to feature a 5.5 inch QHD panel and retain the back-button arrangement that debuted on the G2 while adorning a “vegetable-tanned leather” back cover. We expect a 16 megapixel camera on the G4 that retains the G3 and G Flex 2‘s laser auto-focus and a surprising f/1.8 lens (the Samsung S6 has a f/1.9). LG may as well opt to go with the Snapdragon 810 which is what the G Flex 2 packs and what HTC and Sony chose for their One M9 and Xperia Z4 smartphones respectively despite unconfirmed reports that the chip was experiencing overheating issues. Or it may go with the Snapdragon 808 (highly likely). 32 GB onboard storage (expandable upto 128 GB via sd card) and 3 GB RAM is pretty much given these days.
LG is throwing in some goodies to buyers of the device in its home market, Korea. They’ll get a free 64 GB sd card as well as a free screen replacement.
We’ll know much more about the phone whose physical appearance is pretty much known to us all by now thanks to endless leaks in due course.