In any smartphone, the notification tab is like a digital “lounge” where you get notified of current events that are being pushed for you to read. In Android, the notification has matured over time to become a major part of the whole experience to the point that it influenced in a way iOS to have a proper notification tab. Apps too have notification panes where you are notified of various events that are happening within the app.
When it comes to Facebook however, the notification tab has always been bland and annoying to a degree. You get the usual notifications about someone’s birthday, the number of likes and shares you get from a post and most annoying of all are group /game requests notifications. Now, Facebook announced a revamped notifications tab that includes the following changes:
- Shows upcoming events that you joined
- Based on the pages you have liked on Facebook, you will be notified of scores from sport teams or TV programmes
- You’ll be notified of birthdays or any other life events
- If you enable Location History, you will receive additional information like weather updates, nearby places to eat, local events from your community or films that are being showcased in theaters near you.
These notifications will be displayed in a card format layout which has been used quite extensively by other internet based companies like Google with Google Now and Twitter with their Twitter Cards platform for advertisers. The new changes do not change your current notification settings and you can customize each notification card by tapping an arrow that appears on the right of each card or at the Add More Cards at the bottom of the notification tab.
It is a refreshing update to the notification tab and will make using Facebook a whole lot better than before. Unfortunately, the new notification tab update will be rolled out gradually to Android and iPhone users in the US and we have to wait and see when Facebook will launch it gradually. You can check out the new changes on this video below: