I am a fan of Tinder and the vanity that comes with swiping left or right once the deck of photos pops up the screen. Tinder is an app that lets you meet people based on your existing social networking data from Facebook to locate people in the immediate vicinity, tell you a bit about them, whether you have any friends in common and (most importantly) show you a picture.
Last year, a study by a firm called GlobalWebIndex stated that a third of Tinder users were married! The study further claimed that women were using the service to cheat on their partners more than men.Of all Tinder Users, Men outnumbered women 60-40 but its the women making the most out of the service. The study continued to say that 50% of women users were in stable relationships while 40% of them married probably to a man who has no idea Tinder existed. The survey conducted on 47,000 users of the App also found that only 1% of internet users were using Tinder with Ok Cupid, Match.com and Chinese dating site Jiayuan still leading.
A new $5 service called SwipeBuster lets you find anyone on Tinder. Upon paying the $5, you enter the first name, age and location of the user and Swipe Buster will scour Tinder’s API and bring back the data you are looking for, if the user is available. Tinder’s public API holder all Tinder users information and SwipeBuster will return information including photos, when the user you are searching for last logged on, and whether they’re looking for women or men.