In 2008, the Kenya government launched Vision 2030 an ambitious economic development blueprint aimed at transforming Kenya into an industrialized, middle-income state. One of the core projects of the Vision 2030 was the development of Konza Technology City, a technology hub dubbed the African Silicon Valley or Silicon Savannah. The Technology City’s ground-breaking ceremony took place in 2013, with projects set to take place in four to five year phases.
ICT CS Joe Mucheru during his vetting promised to fast track the project. Through Konza Technopolis Development Authority (KoTDA), the government has been looking to achieve set milestones for the project. In January, KOTDA CEO John Tanui announced the construction of building is set to cost Kshs. 1.2 Billion and will host KOTDA offices as well as commercial and residential buildings. The government has in the mean time been inviting bidders for expression of interest for the construction of schools, roads with the city recently connected to electricity.
In commitment to achieving the goals of the project, the ICT CS has now appointed board members to the authority. The board members include Heron Gekonge Nyakundi (building economist), Victoria Jepkemoi Chepseba (lawyer),Eng. Kaburu Mwirichia (Management and Energy Systems) Mbithe Muema (Investment banker) and Caroline Wangui Kariuki. The Board chair will remain Architect Ruben Mutiso, appointed earlier by the president. Then board is set to use their expertise to ensure the project takes off soon.