Twitter bought Periscope last year in March and it has made it one of the most popular platforms for people to start a livestream. For a while now, the experience has been that you post comments and media content on Twitter and create live broadcasts on Periscope separately. But, Facebook came along and offered its live broadcasts offerings within Facebook and this meant that Twitter had to accelerate their efforts to integrate Periscope further within their apps.
A month ago, there was a test showing that Twitter had integrated a Periscope Live button within the gallery and it seems that they have kept their promise. They introduced this new change in a tweet for both the iOS and Android apps.
What is the intent of this button? Well, if you wanted to go live on Periscope, you had to go to the Periscope app and start the live broadcast from there. This could take some time and this new move will make it easy for people to create live broadcasts in the moment. You can also see it from the point of view where it could potentially increase Periscope’s active users count which is good for the company and will make it competitive when compared to Facebook Live.
This is the next big move by Twitter to further integrate Periscope’s functionality within their official clients. The previous one involved Periscope broadcasts playing within tweets which was useful because before that, we could only see broadcasts by clicking on the link that appears on tweets that redirected you to Periscope.