One of the gifts Twitter gave to the social networking world is the verification check mark, which was a brilliant way of letting people know the real person or brand from the parodies, especially for celebrities or any other known person. This was later adopted to other social networks like Facebook or Telegram and for a while now, it has become sort of “prestigious” to have that checkmark next to your social media account handle.
Since the beginning, Twitter has given only well known celebrities and brands the verification badge from their research and if you wanted to get that verification badge, it was quite hard. This month, Twitter made it easy for someone to apply for the verification badge where one has to fill a form provided in this support article.
The process requires you to submit your personal data including your phone number, email address, a bio, profile photo, header photo, birthday information and a website. The fact that Twitter opened the application process to get a verification badge for all was a concern for one Shaula Evans who was skeptical in the issue of security.
Since it was a really long tweetstorm, you can check it in this Storify of the thread that was created by a certain Twitter user named Rayne Today.
Will this argument stop you from asking for verification? Well that depends on you but in this age of privacy issues, you can never be too sure.