One of the best things about Telegram Messenger is that it features bots which are automated programs that are designed to perform certain tasks for you. We have seen several bots being generated by Telegram themselves as well as the developer community. We have also seen Kenyan developers coming up with useful Telegram bots like the one by Zuku, one that shows you MPESA charges, an election based polls bot and the one by Kenya Power to query your bill.
Kenya Power recently revealed an interesting bot from their official Telegram bot which is named @tspacebot. From the description posted, it should allow you to purchase your prepaid tokens, which sounds great!
When you fire up the bot, it gives you the classic tabs that allows you to operate it. We have 6 buttons to choose from: Meters, Prepaid, Airtime, Account, Feedback and Help.
- Account allows you to view your balance, share credit, load card, add a PIN, add numbers to link your account and shows you how to load your account.
- Meter allows you to add a meter or to remove one
- Prepaid allows you to buy tokens or view transactions
- Airtime allows you to buy airtime from either Safaricom, Airtel or Telkom
- Feedback is the section for giving your opinion about the bot
- Help has the necessary information that pertains to the bot.
This seems like an interesting bot to check out if you want to have another way of purchasing your Kenya Power tokens. This bot also comes suspiciously after the Kenya Power bot stopped working.