Internet use is part and parcel of our lives in the current age and it is kind of sad we all don’t have the same broadband speeds. You will find out that one country experiences a better broadband connection than another, and this is highlighted well by various companies using colourful chats and maps.
Cable has compiled new data which they extracted from 63 million broadband speeds around the world and it has some interesting insights.
Singapore tops the list with a mean download speed of 60.39 mbps and it is unchanged from the previous year. Scandinavian countries rounded up the top four (Sweden, Denmark and Norway in that order) with 46, 44 and 40 mbps respectively.
The most interesting statistic is Madagascar where it is ranked 22nd in the world and is first in Africa. The country registered a mean speed of 24.87 mbps and is ahead of countries like France, Finland and Germany.
Kenya is second to Madagascar with a mean of 10.11 mbps , which is significantly behind Madagascar’s mean speed but still a solid result for 2nd place. They checked 6,581 distinct IPs for tis test and there were 31,083 tests obtained to get this total. It is estimated to take 1 hour 7 minutes and 30 seconds to download a 5GB movie in Kenya as per the statistics while compared to Madagascar, that seems like a lot of time since it only takes 27 minutes and 27 seconds to download the same file.
However, Kenya’s ranking change as compared to 2017 is 13 places down but the mean download speed has increased from the 8.83 mbps reported last ear.
Rounding up the top 5 in Africa include South Africa with 6.38 mbps, Cape Verde with 3.24 mbps and Ghana with 2.88 mbps.
Kenya is consistently at the top of these lists as we have seen before and there is still opportunity for growth to catch up with the world leaders.