Xiaomi now joins in on the craze of the in-display selfie camera tech in a new teaser video posted on Twitter. This comes after OPPO’s show off of the same under-display module. The teaser video highlights a prototype Xiaomi Mi 9 with no notch next to a standard Xiaomi Mi 9. The demonstrator then goes ahead to launch the camera then switches to the selfie mode.
Do you want a sneak peek at the future? Here you go…introducing you to Under-Display Camera technology!#Xiaomi #InnovationForEveryone pic.twitter.com/d2HL6FHkh1
— Xiaomi (@Xiaomi) June 3, 2019
This is not surprising as the company had late last year filed for a patent to make this tech possible. The patent shows a device with an under-display selfie shooter. Xiaomi may ship this feature with its upcoming Mi Mix devices that flaunt all-screen designs with almost no bezels.
We’ll have to wait and see.