Laura Chite, CEO, CIO East Africa will be one of the board members of the Communications Authority of Kenya. The appointment, which has since been gazetted, was done by the CS for ICT Joe Mucheru, who also announced three other members for the nation’s ICT regulator.
“In exercise of the powers conferred by section 6(1)(e) of the Kenya Information and Communication Act, the Cabinet Secretary for Information and Technology appoints Mahmoud Mohamed Noor, Paul Muranguri Mureithi, Jackson Kiprotich Kemboi and Laura Chite to be members of the Communications Authority of Kenya, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from 18th July, 2019,” read a gazette notice.
The CA’s board consists of the Chairman, the Director-General, the Principal Secretaries from the Ministries of ICT, Finance and Internal Security, as well as at least seven other people, not being public officers and appointed by the ICT CS as is the case in this development.
Laura Chite will be part of the team that is tasked with managing and controlling CA’s assets as defined by law. She will also play a key role on the determination of provisions to be made for capital and recurrent expenditure and for the reserves of the Authority.