Qualcomm is set to launch its new powerful chipset, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 in October. The tech world has been anticipating how it will perform compared to other flagship chips from different brands. Well, it looks like the chipset is living up to the hype after its first entry on the Geekbench platform.
According to reports, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 seems to have scored numbers that could challenge Apple’s A17 Pro, the processor that powers the iPhone 15 Pro. In the benchmark, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 scored 2884 points in the single-core test putting it close to the A17 Pro that scores around 2915 points on average.
When it comes to the multi-core performance though, that’s where the processor seems to impress the most. The SoC scored 8840 points in the multi-core test, outscoring the A17 Pro which has an average score of 7300 points.
It’s important to note that the chipset listed on Geekbench might not be the final version of the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4. So it is likely the final scores will be even stronger than the ones registered right now.
This performance level is likely influenced by the new architecture that the SoC is reportedly adopting with a custom Oryon CPU design in place of standard Arm cores. This design is very similar to the one that Qualcomm is using in the Snapdragon X-Series for PCs.
However, the chipset has been rumoured to be more expensive than any of its predecessors and might force brands to have to sell their upcoming smartphones at raised retail prices. It’s only a matter of time before we know.