This goes to developers. If you have Interest in Qt SDK, whether you have downloaded it or not, Nokia needs feedback from developers to make QT better. They promise a chance to win 250 developer network points. 5 lucky winners get a Nokia Qt developer device, which they are not mentioning, but hint that its not Symbian or N900, taking maemo and symbian off the list. My guess is that it could be either a meego device (N9) or a Windows phone, leaning towards the windows phone. They note that the Qt SDK 1.1 has had very many downloads and want to engage developers in making their stay better.
“Our motive is simple – if we know more about what you like, what you don’t like, and what you want, it increases our chances of making subsequent releases even better. We actually don’t even mind if you haven’t used the new SDK yet. If you are using or have used any Qt SDK we are interested in hearing from you,” says Henry Haverinen
So go ahead and do the survey if you feel you got something worth hearing out, and ofcourse if you need a free developer device.