AITEC East Africa ICT Summit is coming to Nairobi Kenya from dates 24th to 25th of October this year. This chapter will be special in that it marks the 25th one of successful events in Africa. The event will be held at Oshwal Centre in Parklands Nairobi. On the even of the Summit, AITEC will host a celebratory dinner in the attendance of Ministry of Information and Communication Permanent Secretary Dr. Bitange Ndemo. Ndemo has a feather in his hat for being very instrumental in tpositively impacting the ICT sector and he will lead corporate and government officials in celebrating thhe company that brough awareness and knowledge in computing, the internet and telecommunications to the region many years before they became realities.
According to Paul Kukubo, ICT Board CEO, the ICT summit is a source of updates for ICT professionalsin different markets on technology advancement.
“Conferences of a global nature such as the annual AITEC East Africa ICT Summit continue to play an important role in passing knowledge relating to inventions and innovations from other parts of the world”
AITEC has sponsored over 2000 high-level tech leaders, technology developers and expert speakers from global organizations all over the world to speak, present or train participants at the conferences, resulting to highly successful knowledge sharing sessions.
Through AITEC Africa’s conferences and technology showcases many regional technology decision makers pride in a worthwhile platform for comparison of technology products. The conferences have also helped widen the borders for interaction with local developers meeting important contacts.
This year’s theme for AITEC East Africa ICT Summit is “Smart Cities, Smart Societies, Smart enterprises” with IBM as the event’s Smart Solutions Partner. The conference will focus on technologies that make cities more efficient- and which integrate multiple technologies to ensure faster processes in functions such as government services, transport, and energy use, among others. Relatively new to East Africa, adoption of smart city solutions is fast becoming an important milestone for leading cities. But basics first, what is a smart city? As lead sponsor of the Summit, IBM will bring in thought leaders on city and community management systems from the US and Europe to kick start the debate. A range of other international companies involved in smart cities technologies will also participate as well in this conference that has been described by government leaders in the region as “well timed”. Other topics at the Summit will revolve around Cloud Computing, Security and Mobile applications. KPMG, and Kenya National Council of Science and Technology (NCST) are other important strategic partners at this year’s summit.