Microsoft’s cloud storage and file sharing service Skydrive has now hit 1 billion in terms of documents stored online. Microsoft has Skydrive deeply integrated with Office and you get a fully fledged office application on the web from within SkyDrive. This enables document creation, editing and sharing without losing any visual element of the original document, whether you are viewing it online or as a downloaded document.
Microsoft has since added public links that will allow editing of SkyDrive and Office Web Apps without necessarily requiring to be logged in to a Microsoft account. This will be quite handy for office collaboration where any change effected is reflected immediately to users accessing the document. Users will still be able to limit access by sharing via mail that will then require a user to log in to access the document.
One advantage this poses is that you are able to view the document in it’s real form like it would be on a desktop Microsoft office application, now with the added ability to share and collaborate. Once synced with Skydrive, the document is available even on your Windows phone device. On the synced documents, only the recent changes will be saved as the data syncs over the internet, hence saving on data.