….hate it
Let’s get straight to the point…those who’ve never had an affinity for the Galaxy Series wouldn’t miraculously get one now especially after Samsung made the S4 an intelligent S3 on steroids. There will still be that plastic look & feeling to complain about, the Touchwiz UX to hate on, the one too many special features that aren’t consistent in functioning & the home button that stiiill exists. I do agree with those who share the above sentiments…the S4 is not for you…STOP complaining. You have the options of choosing the stellar HTC One, iPhone 5 & Nexus 4. These are also great devices that I can point out where they went ‘wrong’ or missed a mark or two.
I share in the opinion that Samsung much like Apple seems to be approaching a plateau phase in innovation, but I also do believe we expect too much of our Cupertino & S.Korean Lords…the devices they release are really good despite all the complaints. For those who own a S3…you’ll be relieved a bit as your device is still relevant & will continue being supported for the next year or so, hence in my own opinion the S4 wont compel S3 owners to abandon their devices for these newer model, and this will apply across board. If you detest the S3 you will detest the S4 too.
…love it
Now for those who worship the Galaxy line…apparent Samsung fan-boys/girls/people…this isn’t really what they/we expected (we expected more) but it’s still cool & great. The myriad of functions and new feature list are a welcome treat, all we are hoping for is consistency in functionality (of the same). The new device is a brushed up version of the s3 meaning it’s a REALLY good phone & with Samsung rest assured they’ll update the software AGAIN & AGAIN with a ‘PREMUIM SUITE’ like thing later in the year (Q4 most likely) after another update, Key Lime Pie, expected roughly in July.
Some of the new features introduced include, but are not limited to:
• 5′ screen
• 13 Megapixel Camera
• Smart Scroll/Air view/Air Gesture
• S Travel • Swift Key Keyboard
• IR LED (Remote Control)
• S Translate
• 2600 mAh battery
You can get the full set of features here:
So for those who wanted to buy the S3 now…don’t…GO for the S4, it surely won’t disappoint. For those with S3’s you’d really have to love the S4 or Samsung to upgrade to it. For those who want to buy their 1st Galaxy…your 1st life companion…you’re in for a REAL treat. So sit tight, hold you cash (or not) until end April/early May for a release in our lovely East African region at a bounty of around 65,000 Ksh.
***Photos courtesy of Engadget & Google