Samsung looks to be adding colour to the Galaxy S 4 mini collection, presently available in Black Mist and White Frost. Three colours have been spotted in press photos by, Scarlet Dawn, a nice red shade, Bronze Autumn which is a brown shade and Blue Iceberg. These are colours that weren’t previously available on Samsung devices as they keep inventing colours.
The colours are quite nice if you ask me, and I would actually be spoilt for choice if I had to go to a shop to pick from the three. No specific timelines have been made available as to when this goes to the shelves. So let’s refresh ourself on the specs sheet for the Galaxy S 4 mini.
- 4.3 inch qHD (16:9 wide view) Super AMOLED
- 3g and LTE versions the latter is market specific
- 1.7 GHz Dual-Core Processor
- Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean with TouchWIz 4.0
- 8GB Internal Storage (5GB available), microSD support upto 64GB
- 1.5 GB RAM
- 8 MP rear camera and 1.9 MP front (features include Sound & Shot, Night Shot, Best Photo, Best Face, Beauty Face, HDR (High Dynamic Range), Panorama, Sports and Continuous Shot)
- Wi-Fi 5GHz
- NFC for the LTE version
- IR Blaster (Remote Control)
- Bluetooth 4.0
- 124.6 x 61.3 x 8.94mm, 107g
- Sensors: Accelerometer, Light, Proximity, Gyro, Magnetic
- 1900mAh Battery