If you’ve been reading news (business or tech, or both) recently then you know how Blackberry has been portrayed; sinking, on its way out, unable to get its act together anymore. That is not the case. At least according to the Waterloo-based company itself in a new letter written to its consumers, partners and fans worldwide.
In a letter released yesterday, Blackberry reassures all Blackberry fans that it is still the same old Blackberry that they trusted and they should keep doing so without worrying about the future since it is already taking care of that.
Responding to reports of financial difficulties since it announced its $1 billion loss this is what it the company says: We have substantial cash on hand and a balance sheet that is debt free.
In the letter, other than some still strong financial base, Blackberry boasts of three things:
- Its social networking app (BBM) which remains Blackberry’s crown jewel and which has attracted a lot of interest from iOS and Android users who it is expect it to debut soon with 6 million of them pre-registering
- Its legendary QWERTY physical keyboard “…we continue to offer the best mobile typing experience – no ifs, ands or buts about it.”
- It also notes that it continues to offer the best features for both its wide enterprise clientèle and other customers.
With things looking very bleak for the Canadian company (at least from a media perspective), this letter could not have come at a better time. Let’s hope it instils the much needed hope and faith in the company and that all Crackberry fans out there will be motivated to hang around and see what the company has up its sleeves.
Here is the letter that Blackberry sent out
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Source: G&M