I don’t know for how long we have waited for this but it has been long. Yet the wait is not over yet. You should only get excited when you’ve had your first chat on BBM on your iPhone or Android device. We’ve travelled this road before so we better be careful. Not long ago the company reassured us that it is dedicated to bringing BBM to iOS and Android devices without releasing a specific time-frame; now we have something to work with. Hours don’t sound bad. Blackberry has now stated that indeed Blackberry Messenger (BBM) is on its to all iOS and Android devices. This should be in the next few hours. If you were among the 6 million enthusiasts who registered for BBM pre-release the I have good news for you: you’re just a few footsteps from the most anticipated app this year. Last year it was Instagram and Flipboard for Android. This year it is BBM for Android and iOS and Twitter for Android tablets.
if you had registered as stated above then go to BBM.com from your mobile device, download and install the app and get chatting away. If you never did, headover to the same page, download and install and then you’ll be prompted by the app or your email address. After that you’ll have to wait for your request to be processed and finally for you to be granted access to the world of BBM PINs. That sounds odd if you ask me but hey, Blackberry says that is in order to avoid last time’s enduring embarrassment.
If you have tried the above steps and are yet to get any form of feedback don’t worry, there are many of us. I’ve gone from being redirected to the BBM download page of the app meant for Blackberry legacy devices to blank pages. Trying won’t hurt, will it? There’s a waiting list you’re placed on just like the way Themer app does it so don’t worry, it will come. It is coming.
BBM will be available on the Google Play Store in the next few hours so if you’re among the many who can’t find anything going for them on BBM.com, be still, be patient. Better yet, if you have a Samsung device, BBM is coming to the Samsung Apps store as soon as it is officially release. For the iSheep, the App Store is your friend, keep refreshing.