At Nokia World in Abu Dhabi some tech journalists were allowed to toy around with a preloaded Windows 8.1 Flipboard app and that’s when we knew it was coming and it is here finally. You can get it on the Windows Store.
It is the same Flipboard app as you may have been accustomed to from iOS (iPads) and Android (tablets) built from scratch for native Windows support. The app supports swipe gestures and has a Live Tile too. You can even pin magazines to your start screen. It is only available to those on Windows 8.1 and will even be much more useful and appealing if you use it on a Windows 8.1 touch screen device e.g tablet, tablet convertible or PC with touch screen. Good luck enjoying it with keyboard arrow key movements or a mouse.
Flipboard is not yet available for Windows Phone but I guess it should be around the corner.