I hope this doesn’t catch on but Chevrolet has released a press statement entirely in emoji. Emojis are easy to understand when they are used sparingly in between normal words, but when they are used entirely, comprehension becomes a problem. I mean seriously, your head will hurt trying to decode this.
From their Twitter account, they are even asking people to “crack the code” coupled with a hashtag #ChevyGoesEmoji
all emoji-deciphering all-s: can you crack the code? Tweet your guess with #ChevyGoesEmoji. http://t.co/6faqc33aQU pic.twitter.com/L1jwtuwwQ8
— Chevrolet (@chevrolet) June 22, 2015
Emojis have been used for other purposes other than random texting or this case in the form of a press release. According to a report by Mashable, in Australia, a guy named Regan Peter Howett was accused by the police of dealing drugs by using lightning bolts and hearts emojis as references to the drugs MDMA and ecstasy. We also wrote an article about company called Intelligent Environments, which released the “world’s first emoji-only passcode” which they claim is “mathematically more secure and easier to remember than traditional passcodes”. Intelligent Environment even released a video on Vimeo that shows the reasoning behind the creation of the emoji passcode.
I sincerely hope no other brand decides to go this “all-emoji” route in the future when they out their press releases because journalists all over the world will have headaches. If this catches on, use of emojis will be used in a more mainstream manner as a sort of an encryption method to pass messages or people will get tired of emojis altogether.
What do you think Chevrolet is trying to communicate via the press release? Have you cracked it?