Anyone can edit Wikipedia pages. Off course there is some level of moderation as to who can publish the content. In that case, the most edited pages are either on somewhat controversial topics or those likely to generated heated interest and admiration. The site keeps the list of its most active pages updated itself but, Ramiro Gómez , a software developer from Berlin created a chart of the most edited pages on the internet’s free encyclopedia.
The list, which compiled the top 30, has some interesting entries with former US president George Bush leading the mist edits with 45,643 edits. He is then followed by WWE wrestling personalities with 40,718 and USA follows with 34,756 edits. Others on the list include Wikipedia itself, Michael Jackson and Jesus. Also making the list of the Top 30 is Jehovah’s witness, Global Warming, list of Ben 10 Aliens, Adolf Hitler and Britney Spears.