Well, we have seen it all with 3D printing. From rhino horns aimed at curbing poaching to 3D printed super cars. Remember the Japanese man arrested for 3D printing guns? Currently, 3D printing largely caters for novelty applications. According to Juniper Research, the sale of consumer 3D printers is expected to pass 1 million units in 2018. As of 2014, the number of units sold to consumers stands at 44,000. The long-term success of 3D printing is however pegged on creating public awareness.
Now the United Arab Emirates National Innovation Committee is interested in 3D printing an entire building. We have previously seen 3D printing tested in construction through the creation of parts of buildings. The committee is already rolling plans for the 3D project. The project is being led by a company that previously created an entire apartment using the same technology.
To take it a notch higher, not only with the building be 3D crated but the furniture and everything else in the building. In a statement the committee said the building will be a hallmark of efficiency and creativity associated with 3D printing technology, which will “reshape construction and design sectors”. The project is also set to help the UAE propel its image as a hub fro growth and innovation.
The project will begin with the construction of a 20 feet tall 3D printer capable of constructing the building, which will be 2,000 sq. foot. The building will use specially concrete, reinforced plastic fiber as well as reinforced gypsum glass fiber to prevent the building from collapsing. The project will take a few weeks to construct thereby cutting the estimated labor costs by up to 80% and reduce construction waste by up to 60%.
Additional Reporting: Ubergizmo