Snapchat has had an impressive growth since it launched in 2011. In 2014, it had an estimated 100 million monthly active users which made it join that league of social networking apps with a 9 digit engaged user base. They are not slowing down according to posted by WebpageFX.
The infographic is a comparison between Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter in their 4th year of service and it gives really interesting insights when you check the statistics displayed:
Created by WebpageFX
In its 4th year, Snapchat has a reported 200 million active users which is double what was reported last year. It doesn’t end there, those active users sent a whooping 400 million self destructing snaps per day, which is immense judging from the size of the platform. The platform is reported to have grown by 57% in 2014 and generated an impressive $0 in revenue (They are trying to monetize the platform though
When you compare those statistics with the other social networking platforms, Twitter, in its 4th year (2010) had only 30 million monthly active subscribers who sent 50 million tweets per day and generated $45 million in revenue. Instagram in its 4th year (2014) had 180 million monthly active users, comparable to Snapchat who sent 70 million posts per day which is way less than what Snapchat users are currently doing. Facebook in 2008 (its 4th year) had 140 million monthly active users who updated a partly 13 million posts per day and had generated $272 million dollars in revenue.
From that comparison, it seems Snapchat is ahead of its competition when it comes to the number of monthly active users in its 4th year of existence and the rate of posts being shared in the platform. It is however lagging in the revenue department but they introduced the 3V advertising approach which is a strategy to woo advertisers to its platform. This is the social network to watch in the next couple of years