WhatsApp for Web has been with us for a while now and it was an attempt by the company to bring the service to desktop users. Yeah it was a bit tedious to set up thanks to the process of scanning the QR code to link it with your phone. However, it was still limited in functionality when compared to the mobile app.
WhatsApp added document support on mobile a while ago and it was way too late since the likes of Telegram have supported it for a while. It was limited though, you could only share PDFs and later on word documents. Now, they have updated WhatsApp Web with the ability to share documents.
It is rather easy to share these sort of documents. Just like how we do it on mobile, when on a chat, just tap on the attachment icon while on the conversation and tap “document”. Documents in this case include Word documents, PowerPoint presentations and Excel sheets. You still cannot send other files of other formats like mp3s or songs and still limited to 16MB unlike its competitors.
This is a step in the right direction for the company as it will make it easier for people to share documents while on the browser on desktop. The feature is also available for the stand alone client for desktop they announced recently that is not entirely independent since it still needs to be tethered to your phone. The company now only needs to have a cloud infrastructure like Telegram so that all of these clients can be independent and synchronized.