Earlier this year, we told you that iHub was looking to go fully commercial. The iHub is one of Kenya’s most popular innovation hubs. It was founded in 2010 and has witnessed rapid growth in both membership and companies incubated. Over its 6 years of existence, its membership has grown to over 16,000+; 28 companies have been incubated there with 170+ tech companies growing at the space. The iHub also runs 20 events per month.
In the March announcement, iHub announced they had received funding from local investors including local tech luminaries Prof Ndemo, Becky Wanjiku, Ken Mwenda and Miguel Granier to allow it scale its operations. The Hub has been funding 70% of its operations through its consulting arms (Research, Consulting, UX Lab), and then the remaining 30% through corporate partnerships and events. The goal of commercialization was to ensure the hub is 100% self-funding.
iHub is now looking to hire a Chief Executive Officer who will lead the efforts towards achieving these goals.
We are looking for an experienced executive with a proven track record building tech-oriented companies, including business development and fundraising . This person will provide strong leadership by working with global customers, investors, and donors while demonstrating a passion for innovation and innovators.
In addition to the CEO, the Hub is looking to hire a director of sales and partnerships. In this role, the individual will identify, structure and close high value partnerships. iHub is also looking to hold a forum this June to map out how both individuals and organizations interested in becoming part of the iHub’s nex chapter can get involved.