Last November, Apple introduced Apple Music, its subscriber-based music streaming service, to Android. Since then, the Android application has been in an extended beta-testing phase with Apple adding several features and improvements over the months. Now, the powers that be at Apple have deemed it stable enough to shed off the beta tag so it is no longer Apple Music Beta anymore on the Play Store.
To accompany its new status, the app is getting an equalizer with the version 1.0 update that hit the Play Store last night. This will allow users to customize sound to their unique tastes. The equalizer is accessible from the app’s settings menu and is disabled by default, as you would expect any self-respecting music app to do.
The makeover that Apple announced at WWDC 2016 is not anywhere within sight and while the iOS version of Apple Music is set to get it, there’s no word on when it will become available on Android.
Apple Music celebrated its first anniversary last June. The service currently boasts of having over 15 million paying subscribers and more than 30 million songs.