Telegram Messenger just like any other messaging app allows you to take a photo and share it to your contacts within the app. For a while, it was the basic experience until Telegram upgraded it to include basic photo editing tools like the crop tool and the ones that set the brightness, contrast, saturation and the likes. That was not all as they announced 5 months ago the ability to take instant photos in order to capture that moment and it seems the company is not done yet.
The company has rolled out a major upgrade to the current photo editor we have on Telegram Messenger and it warranted them to name it Photo Editor 2.0. In this update, Telegram has caught up with the rest of the social networks by adding masks, drawings, stickers and text options on the photo editor.
When you take a photo using the camera button on Telegram, you will be greeted with an improved photo editor. The new addition is the brush icon that launches the new features integrated into the photo editor.
When you click on the emoji button,you will be able to add masks which actually use algorithms to detect your face and the usual stickers to your photos. Speaking of masks, Telegram is giving them the same treatment as stickers as you can also upload your own masks using the stickers bot. The other feature includes the ability to add a text overlay on your photos or you can just click on the brush icon to draw doodles over your photos.
The other major feature they rolled out is the ability to create your own GIFs. As you know, GIF support has been implemented across the major platforms and Telegram implemented theirs in a really cool way. You will now be able to create your own GIFs by recording a video then tapping the new mute button which will now share the video as a GIF. The other social network that has made it easy to make their own GIFs is Tumblr and it is no surprise since we credit them for making GIFs cool again.