Samsung announced Bixby, their new voice assistant to the world with the release of the Galaxy S8 almost 6 months ago. They were so serious about Bixby to the point where they gave it a dedicated button on the left side of the Galaxy S8, S8+ and Note 8.
That was not all, they also beta tested Bixby Voice in select countries, which allows users to perform certain tasks by using your voice only. Well, today, Samsung has formally announced that they are rolling out Bixby Voice to over 200 countries globally.
“Now millions of customers worldwide have access to a new and intelligent way of interacting with their phone,” said Injong Rhee, Executive Vice President and Head of R&D, Software and Services of the Mobile Communications Business at Samsung Electronics.
This is great news for the millions of Galaxy S8, S8+ and Note 8 users who would have wanted to enjoy this, but didn’t live in either South Korea or the United States.
This feature oddly comes after Samsung allowed users to disable the Bixby button, but you can’t still remap it for use with another app.
Bixby uses natural language processing to understand your commands to do various tasks like opening apps, setting your clocks, posting a photo on Instagram, booking Uber rides and so much more. You’re not limited to only commanding Bixby by voice since you can also tap or type your commands. Thanks to its deep integration with Samsung Galaxy S8, S8 + and Note 8 devices, this will be a great feature to its users.
Currently Bixby voice will be only available in US English and Korean, but Samsung says there are plans to expand its voice capabilities to additional languages, third party applications and devices. If you want to learn more about the various commands that you can use with Bixby voice, check them out here.