One way people use social media is by reporting what is happening around them. Well, today, an event has happened in Kenya and it has caused a tweetstorm.
Around 1921hrs today, there were tremors in Kenya and this led to Kenyans share what they were experiencing around them. Earthquakes or tremors are usually sudden events and generate a lot of reaction from people and Kenyans took to Twitter to share what they experienced.
Am I crazy or did I just feel a very minor #earthquake tremor in Lavington #Nairobi ?
— Laura Jepson-Lay (@laura_jepson) March 24, 2019
It was not funny at all
Feeling the tremor in a just completed apartment block is not funny at all… #Earthquake
— #LoveLiving (@H_NGUGI) March 24, 2019
This guy felt it in Voi
tremors felt….approximately 5s @ voi #earthquake
— VICK🐆💧🇰🇪 (@Tush_vic) March 24, 2019
It caused mayhem in some houses
#tremor #earthquake waah my girl was on top during that tremor waah my friend heshima nimepewa 😂😂 then twitter ruined everything i thought i was on fire today 💥
— Vin (@muitunguvincent) March 24, 2019
Some became quite religious
In other regions, people came out of their houses due to the tremor
Not everyone felt the tremor, which was interesting
Am i the only one who has not felt that tremor? #earthquake
— Murikira (@MurikiraNjunge) March 24, 2019
According to the United States Geological Survey, the earthquake that we felt was of a magnitude of 4.8 on the Richter’s scale. The epicentre was 9.5km underground and 41km north-northwest of Wundanyi, Taita Taveta.
That is quite far away and the impact of the earthquake has been felt in a number of counties, ranging from Mombasa, Makueni, Machakos, Nairobi, Kiambu and Nyeri.
Tremors are not that common in Kenya, but they do happen. In July 2007, there were a ton of tremors in Kenya that caused panic, especially in Nairobi. The epicentre for one tremor was located 145km SSW of Nairobi and it registered only 3.4 on the Richter’s Scale while another was higher at 6.1 on the Richter’s scale. 3 years ago, there was a tremor in the Eastern area in parts of Meru, Embu and Tharaka Nithi.